• Austria
• Belgium
• Brazil
• Egypt
• France
• Germany
• Greece
• Hong Kong
• India
• Israel
• Italy
• Mexico
• Pakistan
• Russia
• Spain
• Tunisia
• Turkey
• UK
Development of Business and Financial Plans, presentation to investors and management of negotiations with investors and financial institutions for more than 50 investment projects in Europe worth over 200 million euros.
EXECON partners posses than 100 years of cumulative experience as CEOs, CFOs, COOs, CROs and CSOs for some of the largest multinationals in the world, listed companies and large enterprises; having managed more than five billion euros in corporate and brand values.
We have designed and implemented more than 50 complex operational and financial restructuring projects, for medium and large industrial and commercial companies, across many business sectors.
Hands-on experience as CEOs / General Managers of businesses with turnover from €7M to €500M and workforces from 50 to 2,000 people.
We have designed and implemented many emergency plans aiming at stabilizing troubled companies and prevent them from going bankrupt. Indicative projects: Turned around bankrupt Greek subsidiary of a German global group, increasing sales from €7M to €114M within eight years; recruiting top sales and management teams, rebuilding company reputation and client trust, and seizing 60% market share. Rescued €25M bankrupt UK subsidiary of a German global group, increasing sales, negotiating with unions and obtaining bank loans to maintain liquidity Developed turnaround plan for maintaining liquidity, streamlining production, substantially reducing costs and negotiated €15M in new ST capital from banks enabling continuity of trade for a listed company. Structured rescue plan for an industrial group of 5 companies, leading successful negotiations with banks and shareholders to provide additional liquidity while restructuring >€140M of total debt.
We have designed and implemented many turnaround and recovery plans for a variety of medium and large, national and multi-national companies in a wide variety of business sectors. Indicative projects: Turned around €100M money losing German subsidiary of a US global group, increasing sales by 35%; consolidating and relocating plants worth €22M. Restructured sales division and realigned marketing strategy to reverse sales decline of an Italian B2B commercial company leading it to exceed €300M in sales while maintaining market shares of >40%.
Structuring of agreement for the acquisition of a controlling stake in an ATHEX listed company via a €20M investment by a US Fund; management of negotiations with investors, unions, shareholders and banks; liaisons with auditors (Big 4) and expert law offices.
Rescuing from bankruptcy of a 25 million-euro UK subsidiary of a German multinational group, through sales growth, negotiations with labour unions and securing of new bank loans to maintain liquidity.
We have designed and implemented cost reduction initiatives involving separate projects for many companies including a €4 billion automotive wholesaler in Europe. In all of the projects, we designed also the internal communication strategy to ensure maximum acceptance.
Restructuring of sales network and adjustment of marketing strategy for German automotive subsidiary in Italy with B2B sales of over €300M and leading market share of > 40%.
Reduction by €15M (20%) of the production costs of a €90M Greek industrial group by consolidating plants and launching more than 50 individual profit improvement projects.
Creation of Labour Union negotiating strategies and negotiations’ management for many industrial and commercial enterprises.
Negotiations with banks and financial institutions for obtaining short-term financing or long-term syndicated bond loans worth more than €200M for various clients.
EXECON partners and advisors have operational experience in the USA, Europe, Africa and Asia.